Because of increasing longevity and aging of the population in most EU countries, the fiscal pressure influence increasing of retirement age in public pension systems also for physically demanding jobs like the retirement of drivers, acting in the transport of items. In many countries, the average employment rate of people aged 55 to 64 years increased over 7 percentage points in the decade. But large trucks which serve a vital function in JIT delivery in global supply chains, are a disadvantage in terms of safety and exact timing. It is also important to note that older drivers are more vulnerable to serious injury and death in the event of a traffic crash due to changes in physiology associated with normal aging. Vision, cognition, and motor functions like flexibility, strength, and coordination, are required for safe and not delayed driving, but they are part of overall declining of functional capacities after the 50s. To solve this problem, we should put in place the early retirement of the occupational pension schemes, in which higher retirement age will not affect the reliability of logistic and therefore will not influence the ripple effect of the total logistic network. This paper is introducing an actuarial evaluation of optimal retirement age and related economically acceptable contribution rate to the occupational pension scheme for drivers regarding exposure to the risk of the total chain The model is based on actuarial mathematics for pension insurance. Therefore, the Net Present Value (NPV) is calculated in the extended MRP model to evaluate delays and disruptions caused by ageing. The output of the research is therefore the model which can be used as a basis for negotiations between employers and unions to keep the transportation and other logistics activities at the same level of quality. It also enables to develop the flexible occupational-truck drivers retirement schemes. In this paper the model for evaluation of delays in transport caused by older drivers only is given as a new solution to be able to compare with actuarial present value of early pension contributions for drivers. (C) 2018, IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control) Hosting by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.