Due to the external environment being unpredictable and dynamic, the business model becomes obsolete in a short time and its logic loses effectiveness. This seriously threatens business continuity and affects income flows. The paper develops indicators for assessing the effectiveness of business models. Methodologically, the study rests on the stakeholder theory, value-based management and technological growth theory. The work uses mathematical methods for calculating financial and economic indicators, as well as a general scientific method of analysis.To test the metod, we examine 188 companies operating in the high-tech and medium-tech industry markets. Having systematized the theoretical positions, we conclude that the evaluation of business model effectiveness should be based on measuring the sustainability of the value created for various groups of the company stakeholders. This allowed us to propose a set of indicators of business model effectiveness built on yield spread and factor productivity. The program of empirical evaluation also included an indicator of the value of intellectual capital, computed on the basis of the company's profitability deviation from the market norm. The author supposes that, by producing intellectual and relational rents, intangible capital helps increase the effectiveness of the business model, which is reflected in all sustainability indicators.The research results prove the analytical value to be satisfactory. In total, the high-tech market business models are more efficient. The distribution of performance indicators met the assumptions about the impact of a fragmented environment: a more homogeneous industry environment is instrumental in aligning business model performance. The findings of the study are of practical importance for business and contribute to the construction of a control system based on business model effectiveness management.