Introduction. Abnormal early growth patterns have been associated with overweight and other related diseases along the life course. Objective. To analyze the association between changes in growth patterns and nutrition status during the second semester of life and blood pressure (BP), according to weight for gestational age (GE), and early dietary patterns, in a sample of healthy children. Methods. Prospective study from a sample of healthy children followed between 6-12 months of age, between 10/07 and 3/08 at Hospital P. Elizalde. Gender, weight and gestational age at birth, weight, height and body mass index (BMI, WHO ref.) at 6, 9 and 12 months, length of breastfeeding, and blood pressure (BP) at 12 months of age were assessed. Results. One hundred twenty infants were follow-up. Variation in standardized BMI between 6-12 months of age is the main predictor of BMI at 12 months of age (R-2 0.12; Coef b 0.34; error estandar 0.11; p 0.006). The interaction term between length of breastfeeding and small for gestational age is the main predictor of changes in BMI between 6-12 months of age (R-2 0.11; Coef b -0.15; error estandar 0.04, p < 0.001). Each standardized unit increment in BMI implies an increase of 1.76 mmHg in diastolic blood pressure at one year. Conclusion. Length of gestation, birth weight and early feeding patterns are associated with weight gain during the first year of life, which is linked at the same time to BMI and BP. The positive change in BMI was associated with shorter duration of breastfeeding and this in turn to higher blood pressure at one year.