To investigate dust ion-acoustic solitary waves in an unmagnetized plasma, inertial warm ions, and static dust are considered with electrons following the kappa (kappa) velocity distribution. Using Sagdeev's pseudo potential method, an exact analytical expression for the Pseudo potential is derived. The range of parameters for the existence of solitary waves and double layers, using the analytical expression of the Sagdeev potential has been found. It is observed that, depending on the values of the plasma parameters like ion temperature sigma=T-i/T-e, kappa spectral index kappa and the value of the dust grain charge mu Z(d) (mu=n(d0)/n(d0)), both rarefactive and compressive solitary waves may exist. Critical values of these parameters, beyond which solitary waves would cease to exist, are obtained for some particular cases. Exact numerical results are obtained for arbitrary amplitude solitons and double layers.