We examine the role played by viscosity in the excitation of global oscillation modes (both axisymmetric and non-axisymmetric) in accretion discs around black holes using two-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations. The turbulent viscosity is modelled by the alpha-ansatz, with different equations of state. We consider both discs with transonic radial inflows across the innermost stable circular orbit, and stationary discs truncated by a reflecting wall at their inner edge, representing a magnetosphere. In transonic discs, viscosity can excite several types of global oscillation modes. These modes are either axisymmetric with frequencies close to multiples of the maximum radial epicyclic frequency kappa(max), non-axisymmetric with frequencies close to multiples of the innermost stable orbit frequency Omega(ISCO), or hybrid modes whose frequencies are linear combinations of these two frequencies. Small values of the viscosity parameter alpha primarily produce non-axisymmetric modes, while axisymmetric modes become dominant for large alpha. The excitation of these modes may be related to an instability of the sonic point, at which the radial infall speed is equal to the sound speed of the gas. In discs with a reflective inner boundary, we explore the effect of viscosity on trapped p modes which are intrinsically overstable due to the corotation resonance effect. The effect of viscosity is either to reduce the growth rates of these modes, or to completely suppress them and excite a new class of higher frequency modes. The latter requires that the dynamic viscosity scales positively with the disc surface density, indicating that it is a result of the classic viscous overstability effect.