Many cultivars of table grapes (Vitis sp.) are grown in Oregon's Willamette Valley, but with the availability of several new cultivars, it is important to compare their performance to well-established standards in this region. Commonly grown cultivars ("established": Canadice, Interlaken, Jupiter, Lakemont, Neptune, Reliance, and Remaily Seedless) along with new cultivars from the University of Arkansas breeding program ("new"; 'Passion', 'Faith', 'Gratitude', 'Hope', 'Joy', and 'Sweet Magic') were planted in Corvallis and Aurora, OR in 2001 ("established") and 2006 ("new") and data collected from 2014 to 2016. Despite differences in growing degree day accumulation and precipitation during the bloom and harvest period, cultivar had a stronger impact than year on traits such as cluster fullness and plant vigor. 'Neptune', 'Canadice', and 'Hope' had the best cluster fill while 'Jupiter' and ` Sweet Magic' had looser clusters. Yield for most cultivars was highest in 2016 and lowest in 2014, and some cultivars performed better at one location than another. 'Faith' and 'Neptune' had consistently high yield at both locations while 'Canadice' had outstanding yield at one location only. 'Interlaken', 'Lakemont', 'Remaily Seedless', and 'Passion' tended to have the lowest yields. Average berry weight ranged from 1.8 to 5.1 g. Large berries contributed to higher yield, except for 'Jupiter' where very poor fruit set resulted in large but very few berries, and in 'Canadice' where berry weight was low, but excellent fruit set coupled with many berries per cluster led to high yield. Total soluble solids (TSS) were often higher in early season than in late-season cultivars, which were sometimes picked before full ripeness to avoid the onset of autumn rain and disease development. Disease pressure ranged from very low in 'Canadice' and 'Neptune' to very high in 'Sweet Magic', 'Reliance', and 'Remaily Seedless', negatively impacting quality at harvest and during storage. Wide ranges in flavor and texture were observed and rated. "Established" cultivars frequently rated higher for flavor intensity than "new" cultivars that were bred to have a mild flavor, considered palatable to a broader range of consumers. Overall, three of the new cultivars (Passion, Faith, and Joy) show promise for production in this region, along with the best performing established cultivars Canadice, Neptune, and Interlaken.