This study assesses the important driving constructs influencing the tourists' revisit decision of the famous Zlin-Zoo in the Moravian region of the Czech Republic. The relatively overlooked segment of the hospitality sector, particularly, the recreation segment has been addressed by taking the case of the aforementioned zoo to analyze the constructs impacting the tourists' revisit decision. Hence, the present study seeks to ascertain and fill this research gap and also incorporates some control-variables related to the socio-demographic characteristics for having exhaustive look over the researched issue. Based on the primary data and together with a quantitative research approach, a structured questionnaire has been used to survey for data collection. Through the non-random sampling technique, precisely convenience sampling, a total of 390 valid responses were received and the application of PLS-SEM gives interesting discernments. The results reveal that positive emotion at the tourist place, safety measures, and tourist satisfaction significantly impacts the decision of tourists to revisit. However, service quality and corporate image is not a matter of much concern for tourists. Regarding control variables; age and category of respondents also play a significant role in the decision of re-visitation. Theoretical implications for researchers and academic community are in the form of highlighted driving constructs and offer a deeper insight of the proposed conceptual model, whilst the practical implications for managers of recreational units as well as policymakers would help to ensure sustained growth and competitiveness in the recreational segment of the hospitality industry. The concluding part also discusses the limitations and future research directions.