To determine the extent of abuse and discrimination experienced by gay and homosexually active men in Australia, data from a national telephone survey, Project Male Call '96, were examined. In all, 3039 men ranging in age from 14 to 82 years (median, 33) participated. For the 12 months prior to interview, 422 men (13.9%) reported HIV-related abuse and 1184 men (39.0%) reported homophobic abuse. Altogether 1233 men (40.6%) had experienced either or both types of abuse and it was usually at the hands of more than one perpetrator. Depending on the form if took, experience of abuse was associated with younger age, tertiary education, being in other than manual occupations, gay community attachment, having only male sex partners, HIV positivity, use of beats and wide disclosure of sexual orientation. These findings - the first national figures of their type - clearly indicate that there is no room for complacency in this area.