Technological advances in recent decades have extended survival time of critically ill hospitalized patients but their unstable physiological state and limited mobility increase their risk for pressure ulcers. On two different days (June 16 and October 20, 2004), pressure ulcer prevalence in patients hospitalized at the Sao Paulo Hospital, Brazil was assessed. On study day 1, 43 of the 376 inpatients (prevalence, 11.4%) and on study day 2, 35 of 340 inpatients (prevalence, 10.3%) had pressure ulcers. No significant differences in patient or ulcer characteristics between the two study days were observed. Ulcer prevalence was highest among patients in the intensive care unit (average 32.7%). Most patients had one ulcer (61.5%), classified as Stage II (47%), located in the sacral area (47%), and were considered at high risk according to their Braden Scale scores (60% had a score <= 11). The results obtained were not unexpected and confirmed the need to improve quality of care by establishing pressure ulcer prevention protocols. Additional studies to optimize prevention efforts and improve the existing evidence-base are necessary, especially in patient care units with high pressure ulcer rates.