To analyze the activation of ITER blanket structural components, the authors have prepared the AUCDAS code that calculates changes in nuclide concentrations and radioactivity characteristics during neutron irradiation and during cooling. UCDAS takes into account all neutron reactions and decay types, the prepared library of constants contains nuclear data of nuclides from hydrogen to californium. A comparative analysis of the results as obtained using UCDAS code and the widely known FISPACT code is given. The analysis of decay heat, gas generation and activity of ITER blanket first wall's structural components was carried out. The beryllium coating, copper alloy and stainless steel were analysed. Calculations were performed for the first plasma burning pulse, 6 months and 1 year of operation in accordance with the ITER scenario. The materials recommended by ITER central team and their Russian analogs were considered: TGR and B1 (beryllium coating), GlidCop AL-25 Ds and Br-MKX (copper alloy), 316LN-IG and 12Cr18Ni10Ti (stainless steel). It has been demonstrated that there is a difference in all of the considered characteristics between the above materials. It is caused by impurities which are present in the materials. The report also considers the accumulation of gases (H, D, T, He-3, He-4) in the above materials. Besides, the change in the activity of irradiated materials during the cooling of up to 10(7) years was calculated. (C) 1998 Published by Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.