Since 1969, the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine has worked to recruit, admit, and graduate a more diverse population of physicians. The state of Illinois ranks third in the nation in the number of African American residents, and fifth in the number of Latinos, and those groups together account for approximately 60% of Chicago's population. To attract applicants from these groups, the medical school created the Medical Opportunities Program and its successor, the Urban Health Program, maximize this pool of applicants. Outreach activities at undergraduate colleges, in association with premedical organizations, identify underrepresented-minority (URM) students who should receive support in their applications. The organizations assist in monitoring the applications of URM candidates. Also, the medical college created academic and social support programs for its URM students: a prematriculation program, small-group review sessions for every major course in the first. two years of the curriculum, help for second year students prc paring for the United States Medical Licensing Examination Step 1 and fourth year students preparing for Step 2, and support for organizations for minority students. Over its 30 years, the program has had a substantial impact on the number of URM students entering the medical college, other medical schools, and other health professions. Over these years, dir proportion of URM students in the medical college's overall enrollment rose from 10% to 23%. Also, a higher proportion of the college's URM graduates than its non-URM graduates practice in the Chicago area.