This paper analyses the differences in understanding the significance of transition experience as predictors of later academic achievements and the role of children, parents and teachers (kindergarten and primary school) in transition. Approaches to the concept of "preparing for school" are different; ranging from adapting to school requirements to advocating the "protection" of children. Differences in approaches are recognizable in the scholarization of kindergartens or in the demands of adapting the school to children and advocating a "softer" approach to education through play as a child's natural activity (Armstrong, 2008; Moss, 2012, 2014). Theoretical framework addresses responsibilities for developmental conditions and encouragements, cooperation and partnerships between families, educational institutions, and professional workers - kindergarten and primary school teachers. Research was conducted with children through conversational interviews (n= 26) and surveys with parents (n=97) and teachers (kindergarten and primary school (n=121). The research was approved by the Ethical board of Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb. Ethical Code for Researching with Children was followed. There were find statistically significant differences in perception of responsibility for transition between kindergarten and primary school teachers, regarding to their role in supporting families during the transition. Kindergarten teachers find themselves more responsible for supporting families in transition than primary school teachers. Timely and appropriate informing of children concerning the new community, family support, and mutual learning can greatly facilitate the children's transition into new environment. Effective transition to school is primary responsibility of adults, so it is important to ensure support to families and teachers.