This study examined parenting style dimensions as moderators of relations between family religiousness and individual religiousness and spirituality. Participants were 122 emerging adults ages 17-31 (M = 20.90, SD = 2.75). Cross-sectional data were obtained through an online survey. Participants rated the frequency with which they engaged in various religious activities with their families when they were younger, the frequency with which they personally do those behaviors currently, their current spirituality, and the parenting styles used by their parents when they were younger. Family religiousness positively predicted individual religiousness and spirituality. Rejection and autonomy-support moderated the association between family religiousness and individual religiousness, while warmth, rejection, structure, chaos, and autonomy-support moderated the relationship between family religiousness and individual spirituality. Thus, religious beliefs and practices, at whatever level, may be more readily appropriated by the next generation in families characterized by authoritative parenting.