Abalone aquaculture in California and Baja California is expanding. The number of commercial farms has increased from 2 in 1980, to 5 in 1989, to 14 in 1997. Production of 70-132 metric tons between 1992 and 1996 has resulted in sales of over 2 million dollars annually. Annual seed production is approximately 3 million. Production systems have diversified and in-water, growout facilities produced 22% of the total 132,916 kg in shell, market-sized abalone in 1996. Resource management agencies, the abalone aquaculture industry, and university researchers have addressed the introduced sabellid worm problem by inspections of seed before sale, improved farm sanitation practices, and use of screens on farm discharges. Larval and seed enhancement are the main activities of research and development firms in California and fishery cooperatives in Baja California.