The evaluation of teaching performance by the students nowadays is of relevant importance in a context of improving the quality of education. However, the construction of a suitable tool to measure teacher performance has been controversial due to the lack of education dimensions that should be evaluated, as well as the reliability and validity that were analysed. To solve these gaps, in this research an instrument of 27 items with Likert scales has been designed, based on educational theory, the results of other studies and in-depth meetings with teachers. With the empirical design and implementation of the questionnaire, we intend to propose a model that reflects the effectiveness of education and its influence on the level of student satisfaction, which will be analysed statistically. Data are analysed and interpreted within the conceptual framework of the dominant service logic theory. Another aspect that differentiates our research is that the virtual learning environment implies a new model of activities oriented to the relationship between teacher and student. The use of the Internet and new technologies in higher education, as well as the formation of virtual learning communities, increase in many face-to-face universities. Therefore, teachers must find ways to reinforce virtual relationships with and among their students. However, there is little knowledge on how to plan, implement and evaluate the use of new technologies in face-to-face teaching. Our first objective is to extend the applicability of the teacher evaluation instrument by collecting a series of dimensions that better reflect the current reality. With this work, we want to draw attention to the importance of defining an adequate instrument to evaluate the teaching activity and to suggest an additional approach to evaluate the implementation of ICT in face-to-face teaching. In this sense, our work raises two fundamental questions. First, if the proper use of ICT in face-to-face education improves the quality of learning programs. Second, how the use of ICT affects the student's learning experience. Among the conclusions we hope to achieve, we emphasise that the ICT improve efficiency and flexibility in the student's learning process, while contributing to the acquisition of specific competencies and collaborative work among equals. An exploratory factor analysis of a representative sample of students from two universities will allow us to analyse the reliability and validity of the proposed measurement instrument and the discriminant validity between the factors identified. With this, the results confirm the validity and usefulness of the proposed measurement instrument as an adequate indicator of the performance of the quality of university education by its teachers. The methodology applied to the analysis is the factor analysis, and then it is proposed an SEM model with PLS to see the relationship between the variables. In this sense we have included in the questionnaire two final dependents variables, which measure general satisfaction with the teacher and with the subject.