The origin of magmatic layering is still hotly debated. To try to shed some light on this problem, two ultramafic-mafic layered xenoliths from Puy Beaunit (French Massif Central) were investigated in detail. The nodules belong to a stratiform intrusion emplaced in the deep crust during the Permian (257 6 Ma; Femenias, O., Coussaert, N., Bingen, B., Whitehouse, M., Mercier, J.-C., Demaiffe, D., 2003. A Permian underplating event in late- to post-orogenic tectonic setting. Evidence from the mafic-ultramafic layered xenoliths from Beaunit (French Massif Central). Chem. Geol. 199 293-315.). The 3 to 5 cm thick nodules have, in common, a central orthopyroxenite layer; the succession of layers is, respectively, norite-orthopyroxenite-norite (PBN 00-01) and norite-orthopyroxenite-harzburgite (PBN 00-03). The variations of both major (by electron microprobe) and trace, essentially the RE, elements (by LA-ICP-MS) were measured in major mineral phases (orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, plagioclase, spinel) along cross-section perpendicular to the layering. Strong grain size, chemical and textural variations occur along these sections: they can be continuous or discontinuous, symmetrical or asymmetrical. Such complex variations cannot be solely related to a single magmatic history (fractional crystallisation, mineral sorting). Other processes such as element enrichment by residual liquid channelling along layer boundaries and/or sub-solidus recrystallisation and element redistribution must be invoked. It appears, in particular, that element distribution in the central orthopyroxenite layer could result from the injection of micro-sills of orthopyroxene-rich liquid between previously consolidated layers. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.