Planning for supplemental immunization activities using the readiness assessment dashboard: Experience from 2017/2018 Measles vaccination campaign, Nigeria
Introduction: Globally, supplemental immunization activities (SIAs) are known to be a major strategy for attainment of the global measles elimination goal of less than one measles case per million population within a geographic area by the year 2020. Adequate planning is critical to the success of a vaccination campaign. To achieve a quality SIA implementation for effective interruption of measles transmission, the World Health Organization introduced the SIA Readiness Assessment Tool, which includes the readiness dashboard. It is a strategic planning tool used to ensure critical activities are completed before SIAs. Nigeria implemented a phased measles SIA in 2017/2018 and used the readiness assessment tool in the planning for the campaign. In this article, we report the use of the readiness assessment dashboard in the 2017/2018 measles SIA, we also reviewed its contributions to the outcome of the campaign looking at the post campaign coverage survey results for the states. Methods: We conducted a retrospective review of the readiness assessment dashboard used during the 2017/2018 measles vaccination campaign in Nigeria. The readiness dashboard tool was designed using Microsoft Excel 2016. We reported results in frequencies and proportions using charts and tables. Results: The states with 100% readiness a week prior to the campaign scored a post campaign coverage survey result of 84.6 - 96.5% with just one out of the eight states in this category getting a score below 90%. In the same vein, of the eight states that their readiness score at one week to the campaign was below 85%, six had post campaign coverage survey score of less than 90% with the highest score in this category being 92.3%. Some states with good readiness scores also had poor post campaign coverage survey which has been attributed to other factors other than readiness. Conclusion: The readiness assessment dashboard for the measles vaccination campaign provided a platform for tracking states readiness. It is our view that a link between readiness assessment and coverage should be examined in future studies. (C) 2021 World Health Organization. Published by Elsevier Ltd.