Anemia of chronic disease (ACD) is a frequent complication of chronic inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis ( RA). Recombinant human erythropoietin (rHuEpo) has been shown to be effective in correcting ACD, although with a variable rate of nonresponders. The first aim of this trial was to improve the response to rHuEpo by parenteral iron supplementation in cases of iron-deficient erythropoiesis (IDE). An additional goal was the evaluation of the zinc protoporphyrin content of erythrocytes ( ZnPP), the soluble transferrin receptor (sTrfR) serum concentration, and the hemoglobin (Hb) content of reticulocytes (CHr) in stimulated erythropoiesis as diagnostic and prognostic parameters. Thirty RA patients with ACD were treated with subcutaneous 150 IU rHuEpo/ kg body weight twice weekly. Intravenous iron supplementation ( 200 mg iron sucrose once weekly) was added in cases of IDE ( n= 23), which was defined by the presence of two of three criteria: saturation of transferrin ( TrfS) less than or equal to15%, hypochromic erythrocytes (HypoE) greater than or equal to10%, and a serum ferritin (Fn) concentration less than or equal to 50 mug/l. All 28 completers met the treatment goal, with an increase of the median Hb concentration from 10.3 g/dl to 13.3 g/dl. Epo treatment and iron supplementation was safe and well tolerated in all patients. Monitoring of Fn, TrfS, and HypoE every other week allowed a successful correction of anemia. Retrospective analysis of the evaluable parameters ( CHr, sTrfR,. and ZnPP) revealed no additional benefit for predicting or monitoring IDE in this setting, although the one or other may be advantageous in other therapeutic situations.