On the world stage, wind energy generation is configured as a productive activity of significant expressivity in territorial dynamics, being a strategic component in governmental planning and of interference in socio-economic and environmental aspects. In Brazil, the wind power sector glimpses an ongoing process of expansion, welding influence and transformations which are visible in the landscape and in local socio-cultural relations. As a result, the aim of this article is to discuss the process of expansion and consolidation of the wind sector globally and on the Brazilian scene. Theis research is qualitative-quantitative in nature, focusing this discussion on the development of a documentary research on the development of wind energy in the two scales of analysis, emphasizing alongside this the spatialisation of secondary data on the energy generated and energy-generating structures (aerogenerators). In both analysed scales, it has been noted that the wind farm sector develops through a socio-political and environmental sustainability and local development, government and private capital investments discourse, with a concentrated and selective spatial distribution through the presence of natural potentials for windpower generation. Despite the increased participation of wind power in national energy matrices, and progress in the supply chain, the contradictions are innumerable when comparing corporate and government policies to the reality at the generation sites, having interference on the geophysical aspects and in socio-cultural dynamics from local residents.