The pollination of the genus Arum (Araceae) is mainly achieved by deception, the floral odour mimicking the pollinator ovipositing site. In order to discover the sensory organs involved in this attraction, we have studied the antennae of five species of psychodine moth-flies (former Psychoda sensu lato = Psychodini), pollinators of Arum spp. The antennae of the five Psychodini reveal seven types of sensilla: multiporous tribranched sensilla basiconica (sensilla ascoidea), multiporous sensilla basiconica, multiporous sensilla coeloconica, multiporous sensilla auricillica, uniporous sensilla basiconica, aporous sensilla chaetica, aporous Bohm's sensilla. Each species possesses three, five or six of these sensillum types. All the multiporous sensilla are probably olfactory receptors while the uniporous sensilla basiconica must possess a contact chemoreceptive function. The multiporous tribranched sensilla basiconica (s. ascoidea), present in all the species, are the best candidates for the reception of the odours given off by the ovipositing sites and the inflorescences of Arum. The multiporous sensilla basiconica and the multiporous sensilla coeloconica may be involved respectively as CO2 receptors or thermoreceptors. Psychoda phalaenoides, which is the main pollinator of A. maculatum, is the species which possesses the largest number of antennal sensilla. The sexual dimorphism, studied only in Psycha grisescens, as concerns the number of sensilla and the absence of a sensillum type which differ according to sex, is difficult to interpret.