In this work, we investigate wormhole configurations described by a constant redshift function in Einstein-Cubic gravity (ECG). We derive analytical wormhole geometries by assuming a particular equation of state (EoS) and investigate the possibility that these solutions satisfy the standard energy conditions. We introduce exact asymptotically flat and anti-de Sitter (AdS) spacetimes that admit traversable wormholes. These solutions are obtained by imposing suitable values for the parameters of the theory so that the resulted geometries satisfy the weak energy condition (WEC) in the vicinity of the throat, due to the presence of higher-order curvature terms. Moreover, we find that AdS solutions satisfy the WEC throughout the spacetime. A description of the geodesic motion of time-like and null particles is presented for the obtained wormhole solutions. Also, using gravitational lensing effects, observational features of the wormhole structure are discussed.