Recognition that about half of asthma deaths might be preventable if recommended guidelines are followed suggests that better implementation of established management strategies is needed. However, to achieve a further substantive reduction in asthma mortality, novel strategies will also be required. It is well established that asthma is a disease of chronic inflammation, with episodes of worsening inflammation associated with increased symptoms and/or exacerbations; however, current guidelines paradoxically recommend that initial treatment is only symptomatic, rather than directed at the underlying inflammatory mechanism. The "Treat to target" (TTT) approach has become a popular concept in the medical management of several common chronic conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis (RA), diabetes, hypertension and hyperlipidemia. For example, as part of a TTT approach, rheumatologists recommend methotrexate for RA with onset within 6 months. Applying the TTT approach to asthma, the primary target could be clinical remission and the primary goals as follows: eliminate symptoms and exacerbation risk; prevent airway remodeling; and normalize lung function. To construct a TTT algorithm for chronic asthma, the proposal is to eradicate short-acting beta 2-agonists (SABA) at all asthma severity levels and replace SABA with "Anti-Inflammatory Reliever Therapy" (AIR), using inhaled corticosteroids (ICS)/SABA or ICS/formoterol. For individuals with equal to or less than 12 months' history of symptoms, fewer than two symptoms per month, no exacerbations in the last 12 months and normal lung function, the recommendation is early initiation of ICS/SABA or ICS/formoterol as AIR.