It is becoming increasingly common to employ tuned sloshing damper (TSD) systems to reduce the wind-induced motion of tall buildings due to their affordability and apparent simplicity. However, TSD systems are relatively new to the high-rise construction industry, and, due to their unfamiliarity, design and construction teams may perceive these devices as having considerable risk. Since the implementation of these systems requires a performance-based design approach (rather than a prescriptive approach) to ensure serviceability performance objectives are achieved, knowledge of their function and operation is paramount to their efficient design and installation. The goal of this study is to reduce the perceived risks by describing the function of TSDs, as well as the practical aspects of the design and installation process. The process is described in four phases: concept design, detailed design, construction, and tuning and commissioning. The key tasks associated with each phase are defined and common challenges identified. This paper does not present new theory to further advance the TSD research; instead, it summarizes current theory and presents practical guidance accumulated from years of experience with the design, installation, and as-built performance verification of many TSD systems. (C) 2021 American Society of Civil Engineers.