The purpose of the article is to determine the theoretical foundations of innovation in university management in the context of creating conditions for improving the competitiveness of Ukraine's economy during the post-war period. The theoretical significance of the article is that the model of introduction of Open Science as possible innovation in university management is substantiated, the principles of the introduction of Open Science in universities are supplemented, and innovative models of interaction of universities with stakeholders aimed at common R&D activities are singled out. The practical significance of the article is that the authors formulated recommendations for the effective implementation of the Open Science model in universities; criteria for choosing a model of interaction between universities and stakeholders are proposed. It is determined that the potential growth of the index of global competitiveness of Ukraine's economy lies, among other things, in the sphere of innovative university management. The necessity of introducing the concept of Open Science in universities as one of the innovations in management, which will increase the efficiency and impact of research on the development of Ukraine's competitive economy in the postwar period, is substantiated. The model of implementation of Open Science in Ukrainian universities is substantiated, which takes into account European practices of implementing the concept of Open Science in universities, its basic principles, components, and understanding of its key advantages in the context of increasing economic competitiveness. Recommendations for the effective implementation of the Open Science model in universities in the context of the introduction of new organizational and financial mechanisms, development of a culture of Open Science in the university environment, improvement of the research infrastructure, access of academic staff to institutional and external research infrastructures, supporting collaboration between academic and non-academic sector to strengthen the role of universities as key actors in innovation eco-systems, promoting international and multi-stakeholder cooperation in the context of Open Science, is substantiated. The need for a broad partnership of universities with stakeholders aimed at common R&D activities is substantiated. Based on the study of international experience, three models of such cooperation have been identified -the regional consortium model, the professionalization model, and the cluster model.