Preserving and promoting the cultural and historical heritage of Tuva by means of library work: the case of the A.S. Pushkin National Library of the Republic of Tuva

Saryglar, Choduraa, V [1 ,2 ]
Ertine, Irina A. [1 ]
Liundup, Tamara M. [1 ]
[1] AS Pushkin Natl Lib Republ Tuva, Tuva, Russia
[2] Russian Acad Sci, State Publ Res & Technol Lib, Siberian Branch, Moscow, Russia
library; cultural heritage; culture of Tuva; Tuva; Tuva reads; library work; contemporary library; e-book; cultural project; social project; educational project;
C [社会科学总论];
03 ; 0303 ;
The article examines the work of libraries in the Republic of Tuva which deals with storing and promoting Tuva's cultural and historical heritage in the second decade of the new millennium. In compliance with Russia's federal legislation and Tuvan state-run programs for supporting cultural development, a number of projects are carried on by the 173 libraries which comprise the region's library network. The network, among others, includes three regional-level libraries: the National Library of the Republic of Tuva, K.I. Chukovsky Regional Children's Library, and the Regional Library of Tuva for the Visually Impaired. The network conducts a number of studies, including statistical and sociological research in the structure of their readership, their requests and interests. In 2019, a list of the most frequently checked-out books was complied. Since 2011, library collections have been digitalized, with a special focus on books of considerable historical, artistic and museum value, in order to set up special conditions for storing and accessing books. Digitalized documents have been compiled into bibliographical and full-text databases, openly accessible at the site of the National Library. For educational projects, libraries enter in partnerships with the region's educational institutions. The National Library hosts the Small Academy of Sciences and the School for Postgraduates; such projects as the School of Personal Development, and Library. Information. Education. - Life, use the library as their venue. Social projects aim to support creative development of people of different ages and groups. These projects include the BiblioYurt (outreach events at shepherds' stations, and "Mom and Dad Read" (filming book readings by parents currently doing their sentences, to be later given to their children). Among cultural initiatives promoting the region's local history are the "Tuva Reads" electronic library and "Discovering the Past" project
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