The aim of estimating the physical condition of cows is to evaluate the energetic reserve state of their bodies. Their condition may be estimated by the point method (BCS) or on the basis of ultrasound measurements,of subcutaneous fat. The physical condition of cows I depends on: feeding, physiological state, milk production, parity, season of year, and stress or percentage share of genes of Holstein-Friesian cattle breed. A high score in the level of physical condition in dry cows causes retention of the placenta or inflammations of the mucosa of the uterus and an increased frequency of ovarian cysts appearing post calving. An above average condition of cows at calving (2: 3,5 scores) creates the danger of ketosis. A lower condition of cows during luteal activity revival is genetically correlated with the highest decrease in the state of energy balance and may contribute to a decrease in fertility. Reproductive disorders in cows decrease their fertility from 14 to 21% and to a significant percent (above 50%) determine the reason-for their wastage. Changes in the condition of cows during a dry period and the first month of lactation area linked. more to milk production than to diseases of the reproductive organs. All diseases in the reproductive organs, with the exception of ovarian cysts, significantly decreased cow's milk production in early lactation (120 days). In a 305-day lactation period there was no link between diseases of the reproductive organs and milk yield.