Purpose: To assess the visual acuity and compliance with the use of orthokeratology lenses (OrthoK) in school children. Methods: A retrospective study was conducted to determine the educationrelated factors influencing the improvement in visual acuity in myopic students using OrthoK in five primary schools in Taiwan. Results: Of the 5,173 eligible students from five primary schools, 1906 (36.8%) students were diagnosed with myopia. Among 201 (10.6%) students wearing OrthoK, 69.7% had used them for at least 1 year, 53.2% achieved visual acuity greater than 0.8 (6/7.5, log of minimal angle of resolution 0.1) in school, and 49.8% had received health education related to OrthoK care. Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that a higher possibility to achieve visual acuity greater than 0.8 was associated with more than 1-year use of OrthoK, good compliance, and receiving health education from an ophthalmologist. Conclusion: It is important that children wearing OrthoK receive education and comply with the use of OrthoK for visual acuity improvement.