Zika virus is a human disease that may lead to neurological disorders in affected individuals, and may be transmitted vectorially (by mosquitoes) or sexually. A mathematical model of Zika virus transmission is formulated, taking into account mosquitoes, sexually active males and females, inactive individuals, and considering both vector transmission and sexual transmission from infectious males to susceptible females. Basic reproduction numbers are computed, and disease control strategies are evaluated. The effect of the incidence function used to model sexual transmission from infectious males to susceptible females is investigated. It is proved that for such functions that are sublinear, if the basic reproduction then the disease dies out and is a sharp threshold. Moreover, under certain conditions on model parameters and assuming mass action incidence for sexual transmission, it is proved that if , there exists a unique endemic equilibrium that is globally asymptotically stable. However, under nonlinear incidence, it is shown that for certain functions backward bifurcation and Hopf bifurcation may occur, giving rise to subthreshold equilibria and periodic solutions, respectively. Numerical simulations for various parameter values are displayed to illustrate these behaviours.