A questionnaire survey and case notes audit reviewing management of epididymo-orchitis (E-O) by 34 Genitourinary Medicine (GUM) clinics located in the North Thames was undertaken. Twenty-two clinics (65%) returned completed questionnaires and audited a total of 83 newly diagnosed cases. All participating clinics offer microscopy of urethral smears and screening for Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis to all patients, regardless of age. However, greater numbers of clinics would offer routine microbiology of mid-stream urine (MSU) samples (20/22, 91% versus 16/22, 73%) and scrotal ultrasound (5 / 22, 23% versus 1/22, 5%) to patients aged over 35, compared with men under 35. Half of the cases audited were due either to sexually transmitted infections (STIs) (41/83, 49%), or associated with ascending urinary tract infections (4/83, 5%). No obvious infectious cause was identified for 38/83 cases (46%). Reported management was appropriate for the causative conditions diagnosed and accorded with the UK National Guidelines for this and related conditions(19-22).