Composting is an environmentally friendly and effective way to dispose of green waste (GW), but traditional composting of GW is slow and results in the loss of many nutrients and a poor-quality compost product. In this study, mature compost (MC), which may function as an inexpensive and readily available microbial inoculant, was added to GW at 15, 20, 25, and 30% (w/w, dry weight basis) (treatments T2-T5, respectively); GW with 0.5% (v/w, dry weight basis) commercial microbial inoculum served as T1, and GW without any microbial inoculant served as the control. The treatment that produced the highest quality compost was determined based on the following compost properties: temperature, bulk density, porosity, pH, electric conductivity, contents of organic matter and nutrients, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy data, and phytotoxicity. The results showed that addition of 25% MC resulted in the best quality product in only 40 days.