Recent investigations of human potential and well-being have focused on mindfulness,as a psychological construct and a growing body of evidence exploring the benesscial effects of mindfulness on mental health.However, fewer studies have examined trait mindfulness among college students. The current study attempted to study the relationship between mindfulness, self-esteem, perceived stress, and coping strategies and further assessed gender differences in these variables. A sample of 400 college students in Chandigarh (India) completed questionnaires that measured individual differences in mindfulness, self-esteem, perceived stress and Coping Strategies. Findings revealed signisscant negative relationship between mindfulness, perceived stress and disengagement coping strategies and also signisscant positive relationship between mindfulness,self-esteem and engagement coping strategies, further most potential predictors of mindfulness were investigated. Results showed that there were signisscant gender differences on coping styles between males and females. Overall, females scored higher than males on self-esteem, engagement and disengagement coping strategies and less on perceived stress. These ssndings can improve our understanding of mindfulness and its psychological correlates among adolescents, a stage of life with great potential for insight and mindfulness practice.