During transition to adulthood, emerging adulthood is characterized by continuous identity negotiations (Deaux and Perkins in Individual self, relational self, collective self. Psychology Press, Philadelphia, pp 299-313, 2001). However, for young people with intellectual disabilities (ID) the ID identity may overshadow the development of sexual identity (Burns in Clin Psychol Forum 137:137-139, 2000). This study conducted an in-depth exploration of four young people and four of their carers' experiences of the development of sexual identity alongside the ID identity. Interviews were analysed using interpretative phenomenological analysis. Young people struggled for an 'as normal as possible' adult identity, and to develop sexual identity as a 'normal' identity, in the context of the overshadowing ID identity. Despite believing they should be enabled to develop sexual identity as part of their transition to adulthood, young people faced many obstacles, including stigma related to their ID. Carers described their challenges in proactively supporting sexual identity education and exploration, due to concerns about risk. Equality and protection need not be either/or priorities; however, there remains need for considerable change in UK practice and policy if the principles of rights, independence, choice and inclusion (Department of Health in Valuing people now: a new three-year strategy for people with learning disabilities. The Stationary Office, London, 2009; Department of Health in Valuing people. The Stationery Office, London, 2000) are to be met in relation to sexual identity development in people with ID transitioning to adulthood.