This article is the result of the study of the following problem - the role of culture in the formation and spiritual development of the individual. To assess the significance of culture, the author considers various interpretations of the "culture" concept, the nature of culture as a means of accumulation, storage, transmission of human experience, its multitasking, as well as the process of spiritual development of the individual in the triunity of "body-soul-spirit" in the cultural space. The author analyzes the humanitarian culture that contributes to the spiritual growth and perfection of the individual. The conclusion is made about the relationship between culture and spirituality: the possibility of developing and educating the spirit, soul and body at different levels of influence - spiritual, intellectual, cultural, moral, labor, physical, aesthetic, etc. An important emphasis in the article is placed on the problems of spiritual and moral guidelines of the modern generation, brought up in the conditions of digitalization of everyday life, the predominance of contactless (correspondence, network) ways of communication. At the same time, the education of universal and national cultural values is an integral part of a harmonious personality development, which is emphasized by both teachers and psychologists, and is reflected, in the state approach to education, patriotism and national identity promoted in society. General cultural humanitarian values should become the basis for the development of the spiritual world of a person, regardless of the technological structure and the prevailing norms of behavior, country, race, and religion. (C) 2021 Published by European Publisher.