共 50 条
Numerical Analysis and Experimental Study on Magnetic Fluid Reciprocating Seals
Chen, Yibiao
Li, Decai
Zhang, Yanjuan
He, Chunyan
[1] Univ Sci & Technol Beijing, Sch Mech Engn, Beijing 100083, Peoples R China
[2] Beijing Jiaotong Univ, Sch Mech Elect & Control Engn, Beijing 100044, Peoples R China
[3] Tsinghua Univ, State Key Lab Tribol, Beijing 100084, Peoples R China
[4] Hebei Univ Engn, Coll Mech & Equipment Engn, Handan 056038, Peoples R China
Experimental study;
magnetic fluid seal;
reciprocating shaft;
seal capacity;
sealing life;
D O I:
TM [电工技术];
TN [电子技术、通信技术];
0808 ;
0809 ;
Magnetic fluid is a new type of functional materials. The seal of reciprocating shaft is a typical application of the magnetic fluid. However, there is little research on the magnetic fluid reciprocating seals, thus improving the sealing life and seal capacity is the key problem of studying the reciprocating seals. This paper presents a structure of the seal to test the sealing life and other characteristics. The magnetic field of the seal is estimated using the finite-element method. The thickness of the magnetic fluid on the surface of reciprocating shaft and the flow rate of magnetic fluid are obtained theoretically. The experimental result shows that the static seal capacity is related to the fluid volume. The static seal capacity obtained by experiment is approximately equal to the value through the simulation with sufficient magnetic fluid. The relationship between sealing life and the motion of the reciprocating shaft is obtained experimentally. The sealing life decreases rapidly with the increase of the stroke and velocity.