The present investigation was undertaken to study the frequency and spectrum of morphological mutants induced by gamma rays and EMS in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). The seeds of 2 varieties of chickpea, Pusa-212 and Pusa-372, were treated with gamma rays (150 Gy, 200 Gy, 300 Gy, and 400 Gy), EMS (0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3%, and 0.4%) and combination treatments (200Gy+0.2%EMS, 300Gy+0.2%EMS, 200Gy+0.3%EMS, and 300 Gy+0.3% EMS). The M-2 population was carefully screened for various viable macromutations. A wide spectrum of viable morphological mutations affecting almost all parts of the plant were isolated in the M2 generation. The most striking mutants isolated included tall, dwarf, broad-leaved, white-flowered, bold-seeded and high-yielding mutants. Differences in varietal response to different mutagens was clearly evident as both of the varieties differed in the spectrum and frequency of mutations induced. Combination treatments were most effective in inducing a wider spectrum and maximum frequency of macro mutations, followed by EMS. Of all the morphological mutations, the frequency of leaf mutations was maximum, followed by plant height and seed mutants. Most of the macro mutants were confirmed to be true-breeding in the M, generation except for the highly sterile ones. Some mutants were specifically isolated in a particular mutagen type. The results indicate that induced mutability is governed by the genotype of the material used and that the mutagenic specificity for different traits varies.