The Big Soda segment is central in modern food systems, and they invest heavily in digital marketing, but little is known about it. We aimed to analyze the digital marketing on Facebook of the soda brand with a major worldwide reach. Countries were described in terms of soda brand presence and popularity on Facebook according to countries' socio-demographic index (SDI) and the market share of soda brand (%MS). From 149 countries, 57.0% had soda brand's Facebook page among the top five in the number of followers within the beverage segment. Among them, digital marketing was described by the number of the page followers, the number of posts, and the number of interactions (likes, comments and shares) that each post received by Facebook users. Also, we analyzed the characteristics, and the use of marketing strategies on posts in a random sample of 10% (n = 1217) of all posts. We found that soda brand's popularity on Facebook was higher among countries with higher SDI and higher %MS. Also, the number of users that engaged with soda brand's posts was higher among countries with lower SDI and higher brand's %MS. The brand's posts focus on young adults, display of brand's products and glorification of its attributes. Other identified features include sport-related thematic and appeals to socialization and healthy eating. In addition, posts' characteristics differed with countries' characteristics. Soda brand digital marketing varies according to countries' characterization and maintains the brand position on the global marketing of beverages. Lay Summary The concentration of power of transnationals food and beverage corporations across the entire food system chain has contributed to unfavorable outcomes in the health and diets of the population. The reasons may be due to the low-nutritional value of the foods and beverages produced by these transnationals and the wide promotion of these products through marketing strategies. These two points are important stages of modern food systems. The marketing practices of these companies influence the food choices of individuals. They are attracted by the high level of persuasion employed through different strategies, especially in the digital environment. Strategies in the digital environment are widely available and accessed by individuals in every country in the world. For this reason, we focus on understanding the digital marketing of an important soda brand with a major worldwide reach to understand its particulars. We show that this top big soda brand uses digital marketing to promote its products globally and presenting particularities aligned with the socio-demographic conditions of the countries and regarding its market share. These results show that monitoring the behavior, especially on digital media, of large food and beverage companies is essential to advance policies that regulate market practices to protect individuals from their externalities in the field of global public health.