Body image issues and disordered eating are relatively under-researched areas within midlife populations. Accordingly, this study investigated the applicability of the Tripartite Influence Model (TIM) to midlife women. In an online survey, predominately Australian female participants (N = 206) aged 40-55 years (M = 46.75, SD = 4.54) completed measures related to sociocultural pressures, thin-ideal internalisation, appearance comparison, body dissatisfaction, bulimic symptoms, restrained eating, and psychological distress. Path analysis was used to evaluate the model. Greater peer and media pressure were associated with greater appearance comparison, which in turn was associated with greater thin ideal internalisation, and through this greater body dissatisfaction. Similarly, greater body dissatisfaction was associated with greater restrained eating and bulimic symptoms, which in turn were associated with greater psychological distress. Unexpectedly, family pressure also emerged as an important direct predictor of outcomes, while sociocultural influences were not associated with thin-ideal internalisation, nor was family pressure associated with appearance comparison. Furthermore, appearance comparison was not associated with body dissatisfaction. Overall, the findings provide partial support for applicability of the TIM for midlife women and suggest practical implications such as targeted interventions that may assist body image disturbance and associated outcomes for midlife women. (c) 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.