The author of the article discusses the functioning of the canonical legal order. He proves that ecclesiastical law cannot be perceived positivistically since it is founded on God's law and not man-made law. It plays a constitutional role in this system but, on the other hand, sets boundaries to interpretation and application of canon law. The base for canon law is theological principles. From the ontological perspective, God's law is invariable because permanence is one of the attributes of God. However, from the historical point of view, since this law is addressed to people, its invariability does not refer to the formulation of law but to the positive substratum of law. Therefore, God's law is declared by the ecclesiastical legislator in a specific historical context. Thanks to their perceptive capabilities, the person is able to describe this law and spread it. This proves that one cannot disregard the human factor in designing the ecclesiastical legal system. In the author's opinion, indication in the doctrine of the different layers of the legal system, such as God's law, human law, and solely ecclesiastical law, is of a theoretical and legal nature. The purpose of using the category of solely ecclesiastical law is to differentiate it from God's law and man-made law. Still, God's law remains the keystone and foundation of all norms. The ecclesiastical power cannot therefore make any law which would stand against the law of God.