Urinary tract infection (UTI) is one of the most common bacterial infections in childhood. All children applying with fever and diagnosed with clinical findings such as pollakiuria, dysuria, flank pain, drop by drop urination, hematuria, flammable and cloudy urine should be considered as UTI. Thus, for these children, urine cultures must be taken and a complete urinalysis examination must be performed. Ultrasonography is used to detect anatomical abnormalities in the urinary system and to determine renal parenchyma and its size. Voiding cystourethrography is used for the detection of vesicoureteral reflux. To define acute inflammation, or renal scarring renal scintigraphy with 99mTc-dimercapto succinic acid is used. Children diagnosed with UTI should be treated for 7-14 days. In case of severe clinical condition, parenteral therapy for 1-2 days, followed with oral antibiotics treatment is recommended. In the last decade there has been novel approaches to UTI in children. UTI protocols have been developed by the United Kingdom's National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, American Academy of Pediatrics, and Italian Society of Pediatric Nephrology. In this work clinical studies, laboratory findings, screening methods, and recent developments in treatment have been reviewed for UTI in children.