The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the case-based learning (CBL) method used in "biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)," which is a topic taught in the environmental chemistry course, at Dokuz Eylul University, on the academic achievement and opinions of students. The research had a quasi-experimental design and the study group consisted of 4th and 5th grade students (N = 18) attending the Chemistry Teaching Program in a university in Izmir. The "Biochemical Oxygen Demand Achievement Test (BODAT)" and the structured interview form were used as data collection tools. The results of BODAT post-test showed the higher increase in the achievement scores of the experimental group may be an indication of the effectiveness of the CBL method in improving academic achievement in the relevant topic. In addition, the experimental and control group students had positive opinions regarding the method, the scenario, and the material. The students found the method, the scenario, and the material to be interesting, understandable/instructional, relatable with everyday life, suitable for the topic, and enhancing active participation.