The situation in which society finds itself today mainly shows the lack of a clear system of values, which leads to certain imbalances in the behavioral strategies of market interaction participants. Taking this into account, there should be an increase in state spending on social benefits, which is a great burden for the state budget in the conditions of the military conflict and the economic crisis caused by it. Such an imbalance in the functioning of the economic system, and its constant reformation, can eventually lead to its decline. This problem can be solved by eliminating the cause of its occurrence, namely, building an economic culture of society, through a system of values that would meet the requirements of today, be based on domestic experience and take into account national peculiarities of market interaction. The methodological foundations of the research of value indicators require scientific refinement and improvement, in particular, in terms of combining the obtained sociological data with economic indicators and their use in economic scientific research. © 2021, Rossiiskaya Akademiya Nauk, Institut Istorii (Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of General Hist). All rights reserved.