BACKGROUND: There is limited information on where and how often Medicare beneficiaries seek care for non-urgent conditions when a physician office visit is not available. Emergency departments are often an alternative site of care, and urgent care centers have now also emerged to fill this need. The purpose of the study was to characterize the site of care for Medicare beneficiaries with non-urgent conditions; the relationship between physician office, urgent care center, and emergency department utilization; and specifically the role of urgent care centers. METHODS: The study is a retrospective, cross-sectional study of fee-for-service Medicare beneficiaries for fiscal year 2012. The main outcome was rate and geographic variation of urgent care center, emergency department, or physician office utilization. RESULTS: Care for non-urgent conditions most commonly occurred in physician offices (65.0 per 100 beneficiaries). In contrast, urgent care centers (6.0 per 100 beneficiaries) were a more common site of care than emergency departments (1.0 per 100 beneficiaries). Overall, 83% of non-urgent visits were physician offices, 14% urgent care centers, and 3% emergency departments. There was regional variation in urgent care center, emergency department, and physician office utilization for non-urgent conditions. Areas of higher emergency department utilization correspond to areas of lower urgent care center and physician office utilization, whereas areas of higher urgent care center utilization had lower emergency department utilization. CONCLUSIONS: Urgent care centers are an important site of care for Medicare beneficiaries for non-urgent conditions. There is regional variation in the use of urgent care centers, emergency departments, and physician offices, with areas of low urgent care center utilization having higher emergency department utilization. The utilization of urgent care centers for treatment for non-urgent conditions may decrease emergency department utilization. Published by Elsevier Inc.