The design of optimal Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) coils is modeled as a minimum-norm problem (MNP), that is, as an optimization problem of the form min(x is an element of R) parallel to x parallel to, where R is a closed and convex subset of a normed space X. This manuscript is aimed at revisiting MNPs from the perspective of Functional Analysis, Operator Theory, and Banach Space Geometry in order to provide an analytic solution to the following MRI problem: min(psi is an element of R) parallel to psi parallel to(2), where R:= {psi is an element of R-n : parallel to A psi-b parallel to infinity/parallel to b parallel to(infinity) <= D}, with A is an element of M-mxn(R), D > 0, and b is an element of R-m \ {0}.