Id1, Id2, and Id3 mRNA are expressed mainly in the proliferating ependymal cell zone of the mouse brain during embryogenesis. In this study, the expression pattern and cell phenotypes of the Id family mRNA were examined in postnatal and adult rat brain. The expression of Idl and Id3 mRNA in rat brain was observed in the cortex layer 1, corpus callosum, ventricular/subventricular zone (VZ/SVZ), and the CA1-4 layers of the hippocampus at postnatal day 1 (P1) through P14, whereby it declined at 2 months. In general, the developmental pattern of Id1 mRNA coincided with the pattern observed for Id3 mRNA. Similar to Id1 and Id3, Id2 mRNA was highly expressed in the corpus callosum, VZ/SVZ, and the hippocampus. Examination of Id2 mRNA revealed high levels in the cortex and caudate putamen at P1 through P14, whereas a decline was observed in its expression in the adult cortex. In P5 rat cerebellum, all Id mRNA examined were found in the internal granular cell layers; however, at this time point, only Id2 mRNA expression was detected in the differentiating zone of the external granular cell layers, preferentially localizing to adult Purkinje cells. Furthermore, only Id2 mRNA expression in brain was observed in NF+ neurons at P5. Examination of S100 alpha+ and GFAP+ astrocytes, revealed the presence of all three mRNAs, whereas the expression of Id2 and Id3 mRNA was absent in O4+ immature oligodendrocytes. These data suggest that the spatial and temporal kinetic patterns during development, as well as cellular specificity, of the Id gene family may play a critical role in neural precursor cell proliferation and cell divergence. GLIA 24:372-381, 1998. (C) 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.