Purpose - This study aims to advance the discussion on internal audit (IA) findings by empirically investigating the relationship between chief executive officer (CEO) characteristics and the IA function, particularly IA findings and implementing IA recommendations and examining whether CEO and management support for IA moderate the effect of the recommendations on corporate performance. Design/methodology/approach - Data were gathered from two sources. A survey was conducted, directed at 217 heads of internal audit (HIAs) in listed companies on the Bursa Malaysia, and the annual reports of these companies for the period of 2018-2019 were consulted. A second survey was directed at audit committee chairs to obtain a perspective from other parties. Findings - The results indicate that although CEO characteristics are not significantly associated with the number of IA findings, only CEO experience has a significant relationship with the level of the implementation of IA recommendations. The study also demonstrates that management support for IA is positively associated with corporate performance. Further, CEO experience and management support for IA increase the effects of the level to which those recommendations are implemented on corporate performance. However, the effect of management support on corporate performance is eliminated when it interacts with the involvement of CEOs in the HIA appointment and when these HIAs report directly to CEOs. Practical implications - These outcomes provide implications for policymakers, regulators and researchers. Malaysia's regulatory authorities, as well as those in other countries, particularly emerging markets where the institutional and cultural environments have similar characteristics, could consider the evidence of the relationship between the CEO's financial background, management support for IA and IA recommendations when guiding companies about the mechanisms for appointing HIAs. Simultaneously, the results obtained could be useful when auditors are involved in risk assessment and rely on IA recommendations. Originality/value - This study adds to the literature on the significant relationship between CEO characteristics (particularly CEO experience) and the level of implementing IA recommendations. It advances the research efforts on management support for IA by providing empirical evidence of how such support fosters a greater role for IA in improving corporate performance, as well as moderates the effect of IA in that endeavour. Further, the present study contributes to the developing literature on determinants of corporate performance by considering how these variables perform in the Malaysian setting.