In this study, using fMRI BOLD signal, we aimed to compare patterns of brain activity during self-evaluation and evaluation of other objects. Participants were presented with adjectives describing desirable, neutral, or undesirable characteristics and were asked to judge whether they are appropriate for the description of self, close friend, stranger, or unpleasant person. The main effect of 'object' was revealed in the right superior parietal lobule, which is a part of the default mode network (DMN) and overlaps with the right temporoparietal junction. In this cluster, BOLD signal was highest during self-evaluation comparing to evaluation of other people. The main effect of adjective was also revealed in brain areas associated with the posterior DMN hub. Since temporoparietal junction is involved in taking the perspective of others and inferring their mental states, our data suggest that self is perceived as intimately linked to social environment and is evaluated taking into account the perspective of others.