The article focuses on using web resources in the learning process. The appearance of new communication and information technologies determined a reorganisation of the education system. Thus, e-learning system has developed, which compared with the traditional one, offers new ways of conveying knowledge. The technological revolution of the '80s and the electronic one in the '90s transformed the economic, social and educational world. Nowadays, there are new systems of education that facilitate the educational process: distance learning, e-learning, blended learning, mlearning. Then, the article aims to present e-learning versus traditional learning, the advantages and disadvantages in learning online. Education based on web resources has many advantages over traditional education. Students can choose their areas of knowledge, they can pursue their own interests and can access information at their own level. Time is not determined as in a classroom, the program is much more flexible. Students can accelerate the learning process or slow it. Also, this type of learning allows both students and teachers to interact in an online community without being present in the same place or at the same time. E-learning system takes different forms from one country to another, from one university to another, depending on the needs and possibilities of students and institutions. Although education through web resources has many advantages over traditional education, we cannot always say that e-learning methods are most effective. It is obvious that the number of web users is rising and with it the quality of education increases. E-learning is gaining ground in the face of traditional education and students associate the internet with a real teacher.