The report analyzes the main trends and differentiation of food consumption by the rural-urban differences and in different types of households in the Russian Federation. The information base of the study consists of official statistics of Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) of the Russian Federation, the results of "Selective Observation of Behavioral Factors Affecting the Health of the Population", conducted by Rosstat in 2013; results of the sociological surveys conducted by the Institute of Agrarian Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences in one of the Russian regions (Saratov oblast) in 2011-2012 with personal involvement of the authors. Spatial differences in food and energy values of food products, in sources of their supply and consumption patterns are shown. A steady trend of increasing the food balance in different types of households, increasing of the homogeneity of the food structure in urban and rural areas is revealed. The features of the attitude to proper nutrition in households differentiated by the presence and number of children, the level of material well-being are analyzed. It is concluded that household consumption patterns, structure and failure of nutrition, are determined by the composition and socio-demographic structure of the family, the availability of children, their age, income level and the state of health of family members, as well as the influence of different socio-cultural factors (education level of family members, their system of values and cultural attitudes).