To establish the effect of sward height (SH) and concentrate supplementation on performance of grazing cattle, 24 crossbred Angus beef cows (535 kg BW) and calves (114 kg BW) were grouped by weight and calving date. They were randomly assigned to two SH treatments, either 4 to 8 cm or 8 to 11 cm, and fed three levels of supplement, high, low, or none, consisting of 6.24, 3.12, and 0 kg animal(-1).d(-1), respectively. The experiment was repeated over three 15-d periods in 1996: May (P1), June/July (P2), and August (P3). No SH x supplement level x period or SH x supplement level interactions (P > 0.10) were evident for responses tested. Cows on lower SH had greater (P < 0.08) DMI but spent an additional 1.3 h/d (P < 0.01) grazing compared with cows on higher SH. Sward height had no influence (P > 0.10) on forage DM digestibility (DMD). Forage DMI, DMD, and grazing time (GT) decreased (P < 0.05) as supplementation increased. Nonetheless, supplemented cows consumed more total DMI (P < 0.08) than unsupplemented cows. Cows consumed 2.4 kg/d more forage DM (P < 0.01) in P1 and P2 than in P3. Cows grazed 1.3 h/d (P < 0.01) less in P1 than in P2 and P3. Grazing efficiency (DMI/h GT) declined as supplementation increased and grazing season advanced to P3 (P < 0.01). Decreased forage DMI and grazing efficiency with increasing supplementation suggests that supplemented cattle should be able to maintain productivity while grazing at SH lower than unsupplemented cattle.