The sustainability of indigenous Monterey pine (Pinus radiata D. Don) at Ano Nuevo stands in the central coast of California was examined. The foremost management objective in these stands is to establish and maintain stand structures that ensure a sustainable presence of the species in terms of uneven-aged management. The major threats are the proliferation of shade-tolerant tree species and the pitch canker (Fusarium circinatum) disease. The study was based on data from 17 systematically placed sample plots, measured once, in one stand with a very high degree of variation in stand structure and species composition. The results indicated that the sustainability of Monterey pine is not assured by existing stand structures. Monterey pine regeneration is almost completely lacking. Intensive shading and competition from high stand densities of shade-tolerant broadleaf trees are inhibiting regeneration, and growth of seedlings and saplings. Pitch canker is affecting growth, vigor, and competitive status of Monterey pine, but its progress and long-term impact remain unknown. Single tree or group selection cuttings, combined with treatments that enhance regeneration, are urgently required for the promotion of Monterey pine. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.